If you're reading this, I'm pretty sure you've probably been smoking (or know someone who has been) for a while. I'd go so far as to bet you (or they) have probably tried a lot of different ways to quit smoking too. 

I'll even bet you (or they) have tried at least one of the patches, gum, and maybe even some of the medications that are available over the counter or even by prescription.

Whether this is your first attempt to quit smoking or if you've tried to quit before only to discover that those methods didn't work for you, understand this...


Why We Keep Smoking Isn't So Much a Physical Need... It's Mostly Mental

A primary motivator of why we continue to smoke is actually not the physical element of it. You may well be, or even very likely are addicted to nicotine, however, the physical withdrawal from nicotine is often quite mild.

Many clients have said when they tried using the the patch method to quit they still wanted to smoke even though, in theory at least, they were getting all the nicotine they needed. You may have even observed that yourself if you've tried the patch or nicotine gum methods in previous attempts to quit.

I've worked with clients who have been extremely heavy smokers. Some estimated they spent as much as 24-48 hours a week NOT smoking due to workplace restrictions that force them not to smoke on the job. So they are in fact, fully nicotine withdrawn by the time they end their shift.

They're fine, no anxiety, no frustrations, and no physical symptoms of smoking withdrawal. Yet the mental aspect is what feeds the habit of cigarette smoking, and that's what drags them back to lighting up again every time!

image of an iceberg representing conscious vs subconscious mind

Your Conscious Mind's Desire to Quit vs... Your Sub-Conscious Mind's Desire to Continue

Our minds are split into two specific areas or segments if you like, but they're far from equal in influence.

The analytical part of your brain understands all the reasons and obvious benefits of quitting smoking.

This is the logical, analytical part of your brain that wants to stop smoking for all the known and documented reasons; every cigarette you light up is damaging your health, your clothes and your body wreak of smoke (no matter how hard you try to eliminate or cover up the smell), your family are begging you to quit,  and not least of all your family are begging you to quit

This part of your brain (the receptive part) is just 5%

When you try to quit smoking, the odd's are already against you, because that 5% is the only part of your brain that really wants you to stop.

Take that small percentage of your brain, the teeny-tiny part that's fully committed to you quitting, and understand it's under constant attack from all the daily stresses of work, and general life stressors. It's no wonder then, because that 5% of your brain gets pounded into submission so relentlessly, that  by the end of the day, of course you're pulling the cigarettes out of the trash... one more time

That persistent assault on our 5% (above the surface) brain beats down the element most often referred to as "willpower", and that in turn "dissolves" under the daily onslaught. Is it any  wonder we get discouraged or depressed into admitting defeat

Meanwhile the other 95% of our brain is the part that drives our belief systems

Unfortunately, that 95% is likely working for the tobacco and tumor brigade. This is the part of your brain that betrays you. It convinces you that you really need that cigarette to calm you down while you drive, to relieve the stress of your work day, or that smoking a cigarette will comfort you in one way or another.

It's also the part of your brain that holds the keys to your "inner- identity". When we see ourselves as a smoker, we hold onto that as an informative part of our identity. So when we try to quit smoking, in effect we're battling against ourselves, so in the end, either way, we often feel like we are losing even when we are, in fact, winning. 

Our 95% (below the surface) brain is also the part that tells us smoking is a reward. This feeds our habit forming mindset, as we learn to reward ourselves for completing a task or project with a smoke-break.

The routines and patterns we create around the habit of smoking are what is ingrained in our subconscious mind. Our 95% brain builds habits and patterns that demand we repeat them, so we soon learn to structure our work, and our day, around when we can have our next cigarette. Hello unhealthiest of habits

Our brains are wired to protect us against threats, and when we fail to light up our next habitual cigarette on time, that part of your brain sparks your natural "fight or flight" responses to trigger, which in turn makes you feel anxious or worried.

We tend to think of that as a "physical" withdrawal driven by the need for nicotine, but it's not, it is in fact, our brain playing tricks as it tries to retain the status quo. This part of our brain sends signals out to prompt us to take action (smoke a cigarette) by creating a panic state because it thinks we're depriving it of something we actually need to live.

So your 5% brain (commitment)...

Gets overruled by your 95% (resistant) brain 

image of an iceberg representing conscious vs subconscious mind



Brain Triggers Actions

Our brains are constantly firing synapses, making connections and sending out signals from our subconscious to our conscious mind to trigger actions or behaviors. 

Hypnosis Helps Heal

Hypnosis is a state of mind where we're still aware of what is happening, but at the same time, we're able to access, and therefore influence, that 95% subconscious (below the surface) mind.  

Conscious Communication

So it's not about deprivation or giving anything up, your focus becomes the about changing your inner-identity to that of a non-smoker. Its about bringing your subconscious mind inline with your conscious mind so they're both playing on the same team.

Subconscious Decisions

The goal is to help our subconscious mind understand and embrace the logic of our conscious decision to quit smoking and create new healthier habits.



You can become a non-smoker in as little as one session.

Depending on your personal situation and circumstances most people need a total of 2-3 sessions. Very few people need more than 4 sessions.

However, I am also 100% committed to your success! So, my program does provide additional support just in case "life-happens" and you feel the need to reinforce your NON-SMOKER HABIT for up to 12 months.


  1. 1
    Preparation Meets Performance
    Pre-session questionnaire - this helps me understand your specific mindset to ward smoking, quitting. Form that I am able to identify the how to help you with targeted strategies and a personal plan to help you quit for good.
  2. 2
    Hypnosis to Heal Your Habit
    Private 1:1 hypnosis session to align your subconscious mind with your conscious mind in support of your decision to quit smoking
    Post session audio recording (use if/as needed) to reinforce your 100% commitment to you seeing (yourself as) and being a Non-Smoker  
    Personal daily inspiration & motivation emails for 30-days to support you as you learn to view yourself, and live your life as a Non-Smoker  
  3. 3
    Powerful Post Hypnosis Transition
    Post-session personal 1:1 support via email
    Non-Smoker Life Preserver private Facebook group where you can share your thoughts, trials, and successes with our community in support of and for others who are fighting the same fight
    Tips, tools and tactics to help as you learn how to embrace and enjoy your personal transition and journey to living life as a non-smoker

What our customers are saying:

I needed to quit smoking fast

I would recommend this program to anyone who is trying to quit smoking. The hypnosis definitely helps because you learn to associate smoking with things you don't want, so you don't have to deal with feeling deprived or like you're missing out. I've tried to quit before but the withdrawal always sucked me back in. With Tracy's program I really do feel like I have finally, truly, become a non-smoker. I'm saving a ton of money from NOT buying cigarettes and even more on my dry-cleaning bills. I LOVE not stinking of smoke, and I LOVE not getting the stink-eye from my family and co-workers any more.

TANYA  //  Non-Smoker since April 2021

I was skeptical but happy to say it's working for me

I spoke with Tracy on the phone before signing up because I had tried to quit and failed many times and was very skeptical. She explained how the hypnosis works, with the on-going support, and a 12-month guarantee that all made it a no-brainer to give it a try. I'm shocked at how well this has worked for me. No cravings, no anxiety and at $5.86 a pack I'll have saved more than price of the program by Thanksgiving. By the end of January, there's a good chance my health insurance premiums will go down as well.

BOB   //  Non-Smoker since July 2021

Frequently Asked Questions

Are hypnosis sessions private

Yes, we will meet via scheduled secure private Zoom session/s. 

How many hypnosis sessions are included?

The program includes 1 hypnosis session (3-hours) plus 3 follow-up (1-hour) sessions which will be a combination of coaching and other healing modalities as needed based on the client's path and progress.

How soon until I see results?

Results can differ based on your personal situation. Most people respond after the first hypnosis session. The follow-up sessions are designed to reinforce the integration between your conscious and subconscious mind, and to support you as you transition into your new healthier life style as a Non-Smoker. So most people will be able to experience life as a non-smoker within 30-days.

Will I gain weight?

With my smoking cessation program, the mindset disconnect is directly addressed under hypnosis, so the feelings of deprivation, anxiety and typical food substitution that often causes weight gain associated with quitting smoking are rare and unlikely. However, those are the types of issues we will deal with in follow-up sessions if needed.

What if I quit but then start up again?

Most people who actively use the tools and resources included with the program quit successfully and never look back. However, there are rare cases where someone may experience something that causes them to relapse and find they need further or deeper hypnosis sessions to get back on track. 

What are terms of the 100% guarantee?

Your personal Smoking Cessation program provides for additional sessions and support if/as needed for a FULL 12-months from your initial session. 


Quit smoking in 30 days or less with my powerful hypnosis-assisted smoking cessation program. I will work directly with you in private one-to-one sessions to help you quit smoking fast, even if you’ve tried before and failed.

Together, we will create a plan that will help you achieve your goal of quitting smoking.

3Simple Steps to...

SMOKE Your LAST Cigarette TODAY!

Secure Checkout


100% Satisfaction Guarantee

You are fully protected by our 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee. If you follow the program but haven't quit smoking 12 months from your first hypnosis session, just let me know and I'll send you a full refund.

Tracy Liberatore

© 2024, Rise Again Phoenix LLC